
5 Facts You Need to Know about BPJS Health

The national social security system in force in Indonesia is currently run by the Social Security Administration Agency (BPJS). Through the Healthy Indonesia National Card-Health Insurance Program (JKN-KIS) organized by the Health BPJS, the country wants to ensure that all Indonesians are protected by comprehensive, fair and equitable health insurance. BPJS Health is a system that must be followed by all Indonesian citizens and foreign nationals who have been in Indonesia for a minimum period of 6 months. The government has set a target of achievement so that all Indonesian citizens have a health BPJS by 2019. This is in accordance with article 14 of Law Number 24 Year 2011. Contributions are paid according to the level of benefits obtained. Special contribution assistance programs are also provided for the poor. Nevertheless, there are still many complaints from BPJS Health users. Complaints received by the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) regarding BPJS Health include hospi...
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